Sunday, September 13, 2009


I received a very very very sweet (borderline threatening lol j/k) message from a reader of my blog. The message basically said how much he loved my blog and how following it gave him a better insight on the person I am. He also mentioned how much he liked the older stuff aka "its original essence."
So BRIAN this post is definitely for you!
NO I'm not gonna turn into just another celeb/fashion blogger and YES I am going to ATTEMPT to blog as often as I used to!
As you can tell I'm trying to get back in the flow and it really meant a lot to me to receive that message. I sooooo didn't expect it and it was def a wonderful little surprise (I know I'm such a dweeb but its the little things like that, that I really really appreciate). Thanks for the motivational boost ;-).

Sidebar: YOU're FABULOUS... and hurry up and start your blog!

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