Thursday, October 9, 2008

So I was thinking...

I really enjoyed photography when I did it back in high school, and have been dying to start back up again for some time now. I find myself constantly thinking of what would make a "great shot," wishing I had a camera with me to capture it. I've had this passion brewing for a few years now, and I think its about time I act on it!
Photography can be quite an expensive hobby, (trust me I know!) but I think its totally worth every dime. I find it remarkable how one photograph can capture, convey, and evoke so many emotions and messages all at once, and sometimes in the most simple way. I guess u can say I love its "complex simplicity."
The beauty of photography, and art for that matter, is it's often underlying ambiguity. When left open for interpretation there are no boundaries... just room for endless expression.
So with that being said... I definitely need to start saving some money for that camera and my new "photography fund"!! After all depriving myself would only stifle my creativity... right?
(And yes I'm going to do it on my own. No help from "mommy"... time to assert some independence!! I know it will take a lot more time this way, but I'm sure when I get it done it'll be all the more satisfying.)

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