Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The 8 Mile... lol

On Saturday one of my bffs and I (shout out to my SHERBEAR!! lol) were both extremely bored so we decided to go to Habana Outpost to get some drinks and a bite to eat, and then planned to just go wherever the wind blew us.
Sidebar: If you've never been to Habana Outpost you should definitely check it out, its a really cool spot to hang out. I love it definitely also LC approved ;-).
So in the spur of the moment we decided... hey let's walk around and see where we end up. A few gazillion blocks later we end up at the Brooklyn Bridge... so we decide to walk across. Cute, we're bored, nothing to do... why not take the journey across together? Neither of us had done it before so it seemed like a good idea right?
Well sure it was, but we seemed to neglect the fact that after drinking a certain amount of mango margaritas our bladders would soon "need to be relieved"!! Halfway across the bridge we were both squirming like little four year olds with no place to potty lol. Middle of the bridge, too late to turn back. We compose ourselves and rush across the rest of the bridge to get to a bathroom AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!
When we do finally get off the bridge... the hunt for a public bathroom begins. We spent another 15 to 20 minutes (which feels like 3 hours in "you gotta go" time) searching for access to a bathroom. For all those that are wondering.... desperate times call for desperate measures, hmmm why not just pee in a corner?? Well that would've work only every decent well-hidden corner was occupied by a sleeping homeless person!!!!!!!!! Anywaysssss our ordeal came to an end as we were passing a restaurant/ lounge just as it was locking up for the night...the manager of the place let us come in and use the restrooms, but not without leaving us with a lil racist joke smh ("Is this the part where u come in with the guns, to stick us up?")

Needless to say the night was veryyy long and eventful (ended with us sitting in a 24hour Dunkin Donuts and "jammin" to the very loud music with our new friend aka the Dunkin Donuts employee lmao)... but I guess that's what happens when you're bored, with nothing to do on a Saturday night. Next time I think we'll just go catch a movie as opposed to walking the 8MILE!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lmaooo crzzzy nite....but yes the homelessness in New York is bugged!! but suprisingly all the ones who had their shoes off in their lil bed/cot/shack thingys had on clean white socks! ironic huh?!?1 newhos idk if id ever do that again.......who am i kidding i sooo would!!