Sunday, January 30, 2011

Nicki Minaj on SNL

The haters gotta stop frontin' Nicki is doing BIG things.
If you missed it last night here are the clips of Nicki on SNL last night,she did a great job. Her infamously outrageous hair & ensembles, and her cooky/crazy personality were a perfect for SNL.
I'm only posting the skits, but she also performed "Moment 4 Life" and "Right Thru Me."

"Bride of Blackenstein"

"The Creep"

Saturday, January 29, 2011

NYC Restaurant Week

I've been meaning to blog about this, but hey better late than never right?

Just a reminder that NYC Restaurant Week is going on NOW! (January 24 - February 6*, 2011)

Twice a year, in January/February and June/July, we as New Yorkers are given the unique opportunity to enjoy meals at some of NYC's finest restaurants at reduced prices.
Throughout the city, restaurants participating in "Restaurant Week" offer a three-course lunches for $24.07 and some also offer dinner for $35!! **Thats definitely a steal guys!**

Restaurant Week is a great time try enjoy NYC's wonderful dining experiences, and to try out restaurants that are usually considered "too pricey" for your budget.

Take advantage of Restaurant Week and all NYC has to offer. Enjoy the experience :)

Friday, January 28, 2011

"Moment 4 Life" Nicki Minaj ft. Drake

Cute video, I like it. And YES I'm a Nicki Supporter, NOT a Nicki Hater!

In the Office...

Grrrr!! The fact that the service in my office is horrible REALLY sucks!!
I feel so disabled without my cellphone lol.
((Not to mention the fact that the internet connection on my computer is kinda slow in here too.))


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Zoya: Trixie

I waited FOREVER to receive my order of Zoya nail polishes, but once they arrived I wasted no time trying them out.

Here's a pic of the color called "Trixie":
Its very cute, kinda bold. Definitely the color you use when you want to make a flashy statement with your nails.

Zoya nail polish is said to be "The Healthy NEW Color of Fashion" for nails, and boasts its the longest wearing natural nail polish for natural nails.
A bottle of Zoya will run you about $7 and I definitely think its worth it, 'cuz we all know nothing is more annoying then mani-s that barely last!!
LC GlamDoll Approved! :)

(I'll also post pics of the other colors as I use them.)

Winter Wonderland?

Its more like Winter Horrorland... I'm sure I speak for the majority of my fellow New Yorkers when I say I AM SO OVER ALL THIS SNOW!!!

This feels like the 10000000th snow storm we've gotten within the last month!! But I guess I can't complain too much because I get YET ANOTHER Snow Day from work :-P

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mom jailed for enrolling kids in wrong school district

Check out the link below and read this story... smh.
Really though?

By the way...

The song currently posted in my "LC's Euphonious Selection" section of my blog ("Its Whatever" by Aaliyah) is like my ALL TIME FAVORITE song... it just always puts me in a mellow place. LOVE it!

BFF Shout Out!

Special S/O to the bestie BETH BANKS...
Love you sooo much, thanks for being by side chica (you know... you KNOW **inny**)

CHECK OUT her new BLOG ....


Oh by the way... I did get sucked into the twitter craze awhile ago, so you can follow me @LC_GlamDoll
Get a double dose of the GLAMDOLL lol

Let's see what happens...

Now that my new position requires me to be at a desk allllll day... now I may have more time to blog! We'll see... lol

Do you like the new blog look??

Monday, January 10, 2011

January 2011: Quote of the Month

"An idea not coupled with action will never get any bigger than the brain cell it occupied."


Wishing everyone a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2011!!
(Even if I am like 2 weeks late lol)