Monday, March 23, 2009

Tattoos (NOT mine)

I don't really know why I'm posting this but I just thought I'd share some new ink that two of my friends recently got done:

Ms. Beth MD Banks and her "sweet lips" (pause lol)....

and SherBear's "sassy S" (I was with her when she got this and she cried like a baby... j/k she took it like a G... SURPRISINGLY )

March 2009: Quote of the Month

"Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase."


I'm BAAAAAAAAAACK!!! (finally)
Did you guys miss me?!?!? **OF COURSE YOU DID lol**

I guess I should start this post off by say "HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" (smh damn shame I haven't blogged since Christmas)

I know its been forever since I've blogged... sorry guys :-(... but the good news is: I'm back now!
O-M-G sooooo much has happened since my last post, I have no clue where to start... hmmm wellll I'm still with my loving boyfriend :-)... although we've had a few break-up to make up moments along the way -- I FINALLY GOT TO MEET (my boo lol) LUPE FIASCO IN REAL LIFE... OMG yall know I was too hype -- My boyfriend and I got into a car accident... the Jag got totaled, but thank God we both made it out okay -- I got a new job -- Spent time with my bffs (I love them more than ever) -- My mom got engaged-- and ummmmmm a lot of other stuff, some of which I'm INTENTIONALLY leaving out and some I just really can't even remember right now lol.

I'm gonna ATTEMPT to be more consistent... I'm just so busy and sometimes its hard to find the time to take a moment to keep u guys updated. BUT I can promise that I WILL NOT go another 3 months without blogging again!!!!!

((BY THE WAY shout out to KoKo for providing a little kick in the butt for my lazy ass to get back to blogging lol))